pregnancy due date

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tis' The Season

It is the time of year where things are just crazy. I have been so busy this month that I am starting to dream about what needs to get done next. Yesterday my friend Carrie, another teacher, and I had our students perform Christmas pieces at one of the local nursing homes. They did a great job, despite the piano being extremely out of tune (Samuel Music saved us and brought out a keyboard), the people from the nursing home talking and singing throughout their songs, and the horrible headache that I had all day. But..... what a good experience for everyone and I know that people at the home were able to enjoy all of the adorable children and their wishes for a wonderful holiday.

The night before that my mother-in-law took the family to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It was an amazing concert!!! It was a perfect description of my husband and I : rock and classical. It is the first concert we have attended together that we both enjoyed!!!

Today, I must finish knitting three scarves and hopefully get the house back under control after my husband and Zander spent the day together yesterday. So... I must get started...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Bloomington Children's Museum

This was great, because the kids could paint on the walls and then clean it all up!!
This is the little turkey hat that Zander made. Although, I am a bad mommy. I set it down on a counter and forgot to bring it home. I am glad that I have a picture of it. We will make another one for Thanksgiving.

Zander in the combine. He only liked it for a minute. The interactive part of the combine made the seat vibrate, which scared him a bit.

I think that he would have stayed here all day, if I would have let him...

These are all from the Bloomington Children's Museum. It is fabulous. We had such a great time and plan on going back once a month through the winter. There were so many things for Zander to do. He loved the train table, the craft area, and any of the cause and effect activities. He is such the left brained child, once again, just like his daddy.

Enjoying the last of the nice weather....

I absolutely love this picture. I think that I might crop the picture and frame it.

Zander can't stay out of the leaves. He love jumping in them and telling me that he is " hiding"

These are pictures of Zander enjoying the last of the weather that did not require a coat. He fights me every time I try to get his coat on. I have to hold back on laughing when he crosses his little arms at me and says no, mom, no. He is adorable, although stubborn just like his father. Do we always blame the dad when our children are being difficult?? I think that I do, because of course it would have nothing to do with me. I am SURE that I am not stubborn at all. We have spent a lot of time this fall with Zander's cousin August. It has been nice getting to know our extended family better. And the boys love playing together, especially when they have plenty of room.

Halloween Pictures Finally.....

I have had some issues with my blog lately. So.... I am finally able to post the last months pics and tell you about what we've been doing. This is my dear friend Carrie and her husband Seth at our house for Halloween fun. I can't remember exactly what he was, but Carrie was Pippie Longstocking. Aren't they cute??? I am the cat, although everyone thought I was Catwoman, since my child was Batman. Zander also painted pumpkins with his cousin August this last month. We have so much fun.

Monday, November 10, 2008


It seems like forever since I have written on here. This month has flown by with a million things to see and do. Today Zander is sick and has been since Saturday. Oh, the fun of colds. I am trying to teach him to use a kleenex and not his shirt, but he is a two year old boy. Well, lets see..... Halloween has passed with my child refusing to wear his Thomas the Train outfit and wanting the Batman costume from last year. That was just fine as he had a blast. We also had friends over Halloween evening, much fun, and much eating! I am still working on the painting. It is almost done. So close, but I am out of paint and haven't had the time to get any.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Little Boys...

Okay, so I have started teaching a couple new students over the last couple weeks. I am enjoying having more students at different levels. It definitely keeps things interesting. So..... during my last lesson with a newer student, who is 13 and male, I noticed that my child had gone upstairs. I didn't think too much of it, because I heard him coming down the stairs a few minutes later. Much to my surprise, my son has a pair of Lightening McQueen underwear on his head and is peaking through the leg whole at me and my student. My student seemed to be a little shocked and slightly embarrassed. I felt my face turning red and said, well, that's what being two looks like...... I told Zander that his underwear was not a hat, but he looked at me and said, SPEED(his nickname for the McQueen's car), Mommy, SPEED!!! He also proceeded to giggle hysterically. So..... a friend has pointed out that it could have been much worse. It could have been my underwear, or something nightmarish like my husband with his underwear on his head...:) Life is very interesting and not a bit dull or boring!

Monday, October 6, 2008


There is nothing like a trip to Tanners Apple Orchard with your two and a half year old. Zander and I went with Virginia and Taylor to Tanners and had a great time!!! Zander has been wanting to eat apples since we arrived at home. I only let him have one. He played really hard, fed the goats, and enjoyed his first drink of apple cider.... I love fall!!! It was a perfect day to spend outside enjoying the changing of the seasons (though, it was a little warm for a fall day)

Saturday Craft

As usual I am late posting this, but it was done before Saturday arrived.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tired of Trim......

I am so tired of painting the trim. It still have at least two days of painting before I will be finished. Today, though I I am getting a new kitchen table. At least new to me. I am really excited!!!! It is black and will need some clean up work, but it will look perfect in the kitchen. Once the living room and kitchen are complete, then next year's projects will be the bathroom and the office. I don't really think it ever ends. Once I start something it seems like I find a hundred other things to do.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Saturday Crafting.

I enjoyed this much better than last weeks project. I am not sure where I will put them, but I like them a lot. On to the next craft....

5th Anniversary

We had a wonderful time last night on our fifth anniversary. Zander stayed with grand'ma for the first time and had a ball. He was glad to see us, but fine without us. FINALLY!!! We ate at Jonah's, which was fabulous. Then we stayed overnight at the Stoney Creek Inn. Our original suite had to have maintenance, so they upgraded us for free to the Cottage. It was wonderful. Basically, it was a small aparment with a screened-in porch and everything. It was so relaxing. Only one little bug in the evening, I forgot to give grand'ma the keys to the house when we dropped Zander off. We had to drive back to Bartonville after dinner. We were just staying across the river, so it was a short drive. Other than that it was a great time...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, I think that after three nights of not getting to bed until after two, that I am exausted. I also have realized that I have a hundred projects going on right now all at the same. I think that I should cut back. Hopefully today will be a little slower and I will get more done.

Yesterday Zander picked out his Halloween costume: Thomas the Train!!! Yea! He has already worn it around the house. At the store, he said "Pease, mommy. I like this." Now to find something for me. I have never dressed up for Halloween before, so this should be quite interesting. I won't even tell you what my husband wants to be. Why are grown men so similar to two year old boys? At least they are potty-trained, I guess.

If I hear one more time that I want ice cream or pizza from the child or the adult, I think that I will go crazy. All I have heard all morning is I want ice cream from Zander. Noone should eat ice cream for breakfast, although Zander would disagree. Most days he wants pizza.....

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To Know Me

1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My middle name, Louise, is after my mother's middle name and my great-great grandfather Louis.
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? When I cut my hand today with a piece of glass.
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? I do now. It has changed a lot over the years, but now I love it.
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? I love turkey, although I am starting to like ham.
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Yes, my son is Zander.
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? No, of course not....:0)
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Yes, everything, but wisdom teeth
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Chocolate, no question.
15. RED OR PINK? Red
16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? I have a hard time being spontaneous and silly with other people (no problem at home, though)
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? I don't know that I miss a person, but I do miss the dog, Buffy I had when I was little.
20. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? I can hear Veggie Tales in the background and my son yelling "Oowey" I really don't want to know.


Stop over at this Site to see some cute crafts and enter to win!!

Saturday Fun!

So, Carrie, Zander, and I took a little trip out to Groveland this weekend. It was a beautiful little place. I was able to get some wonderful pictures of the scenery and Zander. I came home with a packet of Hollyhock seeds. Zander came home with this previously loved quilted bear and a mini pumpkin. He is already attached to the bear and insists that the bear must have his own plate and food at every meal, because he is "hungry." It was lots of fun!

Crafty Saturday-Take 1

Crafty Saturday appears made by a preschooler, but here it is anyway. I will try again next week. :0)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Living Room Paint

Okay, here are some pictures of the living room. I still have to clean the edge along the ceiling, paint the baseboard, and the stairway, but it is coming along nicely.

The Zoo

I think that my parents house has turned into a zoo. My father agreed. Zander and I spent the day at my parents house. Zander wanted to play with Aunt EE (really Aunt Arianna) and her guinea pig Mr. Tubby, Uncle Andy, and Aunt Shambria, as well as the grandparents. We arrived to not just the dog and guinea pig, but (lapse in my memory) my sister's two dogs that now reside in the home. They are Shitzu(sp) and cute as can be. I think that one of them may be an ewok from Star Wars. Zander enjoyed himself and his bonding time with Mr. Tubby. Now this is not an ordinary pig, it is actually a person trapped in a little rodent's body. Mr. Tubby walks all over the house (and sometimes Ari forgets to put him in his cage at night), he takes walks in a stroller (Ari says outside time is very important for healthy guinea pigs), and has a high chair at the table for eating his broccoli, lettuce, and celery. Now I think that this is a bit odd, but I am assured that every living thing in the house is part of the family. Shambria wonders why animals that eat their poop are allowed to sit at the table. I ask myself the same question. Ari says that Mr. Tubby is not technically at the table, because he sits in his own special chair. Hmmm...... Zander would love to have a guine pig, but he is going to have to settle for his two cats and a couple fish (in the future). Just another fun day in the life of my family.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zander and Summer

Zander is not ready for the summer to be over. We have had several battles on wearing long pants and a jacket. He throws his pants and brings me a pair of shorts every time. I love fall and winter, but Zander does NOT!!!! Once I finally get his clothes on him, he strips down to his pull-up and runs off. The fun of being a mom of a toddler, who does not understand needing to be warm....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Can't Stop

Last night ended another Foster/Adoptive parent training class for me. It was probably the most fun I have had training in awhile. In some ways I am sad to see it end and in other ways I have more time to PAINT!!!! I have figured out that it is not wise to spend an evening training and then come home and start painting. 1:30 is when I finally set the paint brushes down. I love it, though my husband still thinks that green is an awful color......

This morning started Bible study series, which looks to be a good time. I don't think that Zander enjoys his time being watched as much as I am enjoying myself. I don't think they ever really cut the umbilical chord with us. It will be a growing process for both of us. :0) I did enjoy the lunch and shopping fun after with Carrie. I am not sure why my child acts like a loon every time we see her, but then again I think that I act like one too.... He even wanted to go home with her and cried when we told him another time.

Right now my child is playing with masking tape. There is nothing quite like wrapping tape around the house as many times as you can. He really needs to find creative ways to spend his time. HA HA!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008


I could not stop myself from starting to paint. Nathan says that I am obsessive. Anyway, I almost have the kitchen area done. The dining area is going to be quite the project, as it has a hundred little corners. I think that I am going to have to work on the living room today, maybe that is because I couldn't resist painting a huge spot of green just to see if I loved it. I DO!!!! Zander wants to climb on the step ladder and prefers to make the paint rollers into musical instruments...... I have one more paint outfit to add to my collection. I always think that I will be the winner in the battle of the paint, but I never am. You would think that I would learn.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Blog

Well, I am now stepping into new territory within the world of blogging. This would be thanks to Carrie, otherwise I would never have figured this out. We started this endeavor last night, right before the entire town lost electricity. That was quite the experience, especially with having company and a two and a half year old wide a wake at Eleven P.M. So.... we did not get very far on the blogging, but my son did manage to stay awake until TWO A.M!!!!!

So, on to today. I am so exited that I now own five gallons of paint!!!!. The work will begin as soon as my child is asleep this evening. I will add pictures once I have finished the makeover. It will be FABULOUS....