pregnancy due date

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Okay, I think that after three nights of not getting to bed until after two, that I am exausted. I also have realized that I have a hundred projects going on right now all at the same. I think that I should cut back. Hopefully today will be a little slower and I will get more done.

Yesterday Zander picked out his Halloween costume: Thomas the Train!!! Yea! He has already worn it around the house. At the store, he said "Pease, mommy. I like this." Now to find something for me. I have never dressed up for Halloween before, so this should be quite interesting. I won't even tell you what my husband wants to be. Why are grown men so similar to two year old boys? At least they are potty-trained, I guess.

If I hear one more time that I want ice cream or pizza from the child or the adult, I think that I will go crazy. All I have heard all morning is I want ice cream from Zander. Noone should eat ice cream for breakfast, although Zander would disagree. Most days he wants pizza.....

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I think that little Thomas costume suits him perfectly. He was so excited about it!!
And about the men and 2 year olds being similar?? Yep.