pregnancy due date

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Zoo

I think that my parents house has turned into a zoo. My father agreed. Zander and I spent the day at my parents house. Zander wanted to play with Aunt EE (really Aunt Arianna) and her guinea pig Mr. Tubby, Uncle Andy, and Aunt Shambria, as well as the grandparents. We arrived to not just the dog and guinea pig, but (lapse in my memory) my sister's two dogs that now reside in the home. They are Shitzu(sp) and cute as can be. I think that one of them may be an ewok from Star Wars. Zander enjoyed himself and his bonding time with Mr. Tubby. Now this is not an ordinary pig, it is actually a person trapped in a little rodent's body. Mr. Tubby walks all over the house (and sometimes Ari forgets to put him in his cage at night), he takes walks in a stroller (Ari says outside time is very important for healthy guinea pigs), and has a high chair at the table for eating his broccoli, lettuce, and celery. Now I think that this is a bit odd, but I am assured that every living thing in the house is part of the family. Shambria wonders why animals that eat their poop are allowed to sit at the table. I ask myself the same question. Ari says that Mr. Tubby is not technically at the table, because he sits in his own special chair. Hmmm...... Zander would love to have a guine pig, but he is going to have to settle for his two cats and a couple fish (in the future). Just another fun day in the life of my family.

1 comment:

shorty said...

Its not my fault that I cant have the dogs at the apt! and ure right Gismo does look like ewok