pregnancy due date

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Zander and Summer

Zander is not ready for the summer to be over. We have had several battles on wearing long pants and a jacket. He throws his pants and brings me a pair of shorts every time. I love fall and winter, but Zander does NOT!!!! Once I finally get his clothes on him, he strips down to his pull-up and runs off. The fun of being a mom of a toddler, who does not understand needing to be warm....


meg said...

Zander sounds a bit like my Chris- sans the pull-ups, of course (though I suppose there are 46 yr old men running around in them...)- he will wear shorts all year if I don't put my foot down & insist on long drawers:-P

Carrie said...

That picture of Zander on the swing is TOO cute!!! Love it.

Annette said...

Silly Zander, doesn't he know that Fall is the best season of all?! :-D Oh if I could only find a place to live where it was fall year-round (leaves and all)...mmm, yes that'd be perfect.

ps. didn't know you were on blogger. I joined this place a long time ago for a friend but never have done anything with it. I mostly use it's nice to read what you've been up to.