pregnancy due date

Sunday, February 21, 2010


It is sad to me to see a friendship end.....I look back and know that I have been blessed by their friendships and the times we did have together. But....sometimes the Lord has people in our lives for a moment of time and it is not meant to be for a lifetime. I am grateful and truly blessed by the friendships in my life that are true, and regardless of situations will work through conflict and be open. Others have not had those situations where that is a lesson learned. I truly believe the Lord gives us times to learn how to grow and learn together and some do not want to be a part of that process. We are all human and have our moments.

It is also interesting to me how when you have children and friends with children that you have to be able to model as parents how to get along or your children will never learn that lesson.... Guess what? No child is perfect and no adult is perfect... so we just have to step back and know that even with good intentions sometimes they are not going to be communicated the right way to other people.

Right now I need to just cling to the Lord and trust that he has a plan for my family and for myself. He has always met my needs and has always walked me through times of conflict and difficulty. I need to stay focused on keeping my blood pressure down and keep in strong emotional health so that the baby stays healthy as well.