pregnancy due date

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Bloomington Children's Museum

This was great, because the kids could paint on the walls and then clean it all up!!
This is the little turkey hat that Zander made. Although, I am a bad mommy. I set it down on a counter and forgot to bring it home. I am glad that I have a picture of it. We will make another one for Thanksgiving.

Zander in the combine. He only liked it for a minute. The interactive part of the combine made the seat vibrate, which scared him a bit.

I think that he would have stayed here all day, if I would have let him...

These are all from the Bloomington Children's Museum. It is fabulous. We had such a great time and plan on going back once a month through the winter. There were so many things for Zander to do. He loved the train table, the craft area, and any of the cause and effect activities. He is such the left brained child, once again, just like his daddy.

Enjoying the last of the nice weather....

I absolutely love this picture. I think that I might crop the picture and frame it.

Zander can't stay out of the leaves. He love jumping in them and telling me that he is " hiding"

These are pictures of Zander enjoying the last of the weather that did not require a coat. He fights me every time I try to get his coat on. I have to hold back on laughing when he crosses his little arms at me and says no, mom, no. He is adorable, although stubborn just like his father. Do we always blame the dad when our children are being difficult?? I think that I do, because of course it would have nothing to do with me. I am SURE that I am not stubborn at all. We have spent a lot of time this fall with Zander's cousin August. It has been nice getting to know our extended family better. And the boys love playing together, especially when they have plenty of room.

Halloween Pictures Finally.....

I have had some issues with my blog lately. So.... I am finally able to post the last months pics and tell you about what we've been doing. This is my dear friend Carrie and her husband Seth at our house for Halloween fun. I can't remember exactly what he was, but Carrie was Pippie Longstocking. Aren't they cute??? I am the cat, although everyone thought I was Catwoman, since my child was Batman. Zander also painted pumpkins with his cousin August this last month. We have so much fun.

Monday, November 10, 2008


It seems like forever since I have written on here. This month has flown by with a million things to see and do. Today Zander is sick and has been since Saturday. Oh, the fun of colds. I am trying to teach him to use a kleenex and not his shirt, but he is a two year old boy. Well, lets see..... Halloween has passed with my child refusing to wear his Thomas the Train outfit and wanting the Batman costume from last year. That was just fine as he had a blast. We also had friends over Halloween evening, much fun, and much eating! I am still working on the painting. It is almost done. So close, but I am out of paint and haven't had the time to get any.